Our LNG process is centered on delivering four key principles, relative to larger traditional LNG projects, being:
- Lower capital cost;
- Improved energy efficiency;
- Shorter development and construction schedule; and
- Lower carbon emissions and overall environmental impact.
LNG is natural gas that has been cooled down to the boiling point when it condenses to a liquid phase.
Typically, LNG shall have a methane content of more than 75% and a nitrogen content of less than 5%.
Boiling temperature:
It varies depending upon natural gas composition. Pure methane condenses at minus 161°C at atmospheric pressure.
The density depends on the composition of natural gas and normally ranges from 430 kg/m3 to 470 kg/m3.
- Colorless
- Odorless
- Non-toxic
- Mixture natural gas/air is ignitable in concentration range from 5% to 15% by volume
- High purity – many impurities are removed during liquefaction
Evaporation rate:
Very small quantity of LNG generates large volume of gas. One volume of liquid produces approx. 600 volumes of gas. One normal cubic meter of natural gas is generated by approx. 1,7 liters of liquid.
Request purchase procedures via email: info@commodyx.com